I made this project as producer and director. It was named “Perihan” It is the first movie of the series “Sealed Invasion”
Three sociology students, who are going to an outlying village using the funds of the public authorities for a folcloric study, will research an exzorcizing ritual, which happened there years ago and ended with the death of a girl named Perihan. Due to all information of Hanife, which all are lies and under the guidance of Hasan, who is the only one, who accepts helping them, their research turns into a dangerous and spiritual journey and the team members begin to find themselves lost inside all the incidents.
Using a hypertension expression this film attracts attention to people or groups, who live by folcloric rules in uneducated communities, who try to get rid of the moral obligations and judical punishments, which they have because of committing crime together in the past, without being forced to adopt the negative social codex or to show the typical beast, which is well known from a lot of cyclical, intense and horror movies..
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